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Allisart is a global & complex art act, 

I believe that humanity can surpass itself.

He is able to survive his own confusion of consciousness.
Living the future cleanly and happily. Now.

I know that art is the tool for this, and communication with nature without words is the key. Identification with perfect nature, not separation from it.
In perfect nature, there is one thing that is not perfect: human consciousness.
Let's correct, listen, connect, be worthy of survival and happiness.

Nature. Connection. Change. Understanding and sensing the nature of beauty and change.

I have savored this content for a lifetime as an artist, as a Buddhist, as a human being.

I know that what the project claims is true, because it was not created in my head, my hands was guided. I didn't create it, I didn't invent it. I'm not even interested in being the artist of the work.

Maybe I'm worthy to make it happen.

ALLisART is more than >


a global

art project... »»»

Connection Nature & Human
+ Connection Culture & Culture
+ Connection Human & Human
+ Connection Person & own natural and true situation.

Man comes into contact with his own personal reality,
that is, with what life is.
ALLisART - everything that happens is art. The art of change.
Nature achieves its perfection through change.

You can live like a work of art or like an unconscious lunatic


Buddhist aspect:        life as an art(work)

Buddhism is not a religion or a philosophy.
Getting to know the nature of reality is a totally practical method with the cultivation of consciousness, the mind & psyche. As a result of which we understand what it means to be human, our own true situation, what it means to live, what the present moment means, what the inexorable and merciless yet wonderful nature of change means.

The natural state of never being separated from nature can be recognized if we only observe. Not focusing on thoughts, but paying attention to feeling and emotions.

It goes beyond a limit, just without words = to be totally present in the moment, now. Knowing our own true situation. Communication and openness. Freedom, happiness, omniscience as the essences of existence. non-harm and contemplation in the present.

You can live like a work of art or like an unconscious lunatic.

Buddhist aspect
Buddhist II.

The "viewpont" project

Creation process:


1 world

4 locales around the world

​8 artworks

Different cultures & climates

1 message without controll without or any words.


The whole world will be involved in the process of creation.

1. > I or 4 artist will paint 8

canvases of 130 x 130 cm the same color, turquoise, while documenting the process as part of the project.


Képernyőfotó 2024-04-26 - 8.11.23.png

2. > I or the 4 artists will display these artworks 

in 4 iconic places around the world, in different cultural landscapes and climatic environment; I will hold a worldwide exhibition.

(+ documentation of the acts.)

3. > The artworks will be

displayed in these
spots for a half / 1 year.

The artworks will react to the environment,

and the environment will react to the artworks.

These relations will be incidental, uncontrollable and cannot be modelled in advance.

+ To make art, with the least intervention.

ALLisART lies at the borderline between objective art and conceptual art. It is totally objective. It is totally conceptual.

​(+ documentation of the acts.)

In EVERY case, the same natural life leaves its mark,

no matter how personal

or different it may seem.

« Nature Sphere   &   Human Sphere »

2 artworks will be exhibited in each locale.

4 locales around the world > 4 x 2  artworks.

4 artworks will be “invisible” to human sight; they will be exhibited in a "Natural sphere" in a “secret” place. It will be an exhibition for forests, seas, nature, not for people.

Nature changes works of art, nature creates works of art. Leaves a mark, manifests itself. As always in everything, but here we see it working in practice. We communicate and reconnect with it. We don't destroy it or use it, we just listen to it.


+  make an exhibition for the forest and nature. Communicate, connect, reconnect with it.


The other 4 artworks will be

"publicly displayed" in the

"Human sphere",

in public places. 

They do what they want

with the surfaces.


The given social atmosphere leaves its own collective imprint and state of consciousness, its own cultural fingerprint on the surfaces.


A personal comment:

One of the biggest problems is that these two sphere, nature and the human sphere, are so far apart and separate from each other.

How can we reconnect? First, we must communicate with it, understand it, and ourselves as well.


Blue & Green. This is the earth, this is life = TURQUISE = We are totaly simbiosis with the plants. 

turquise is the most intelligent and spiritual color and quality.










remodell / reshape / refresh /

to surpass the human life as an artwork, as a biggest artwork ever.


At the boundaries

of the being a human being:

 Life as an art(work) 

 City is an artwork. 



creative + artist 


& MODELL city


A new modell of citys

and human urban life. 


As I see the humanity is in the middle of the biggest task in his exist.

If we can't surpass themself it will be hurt... ...and it's not work at the moment as well.


It's not just about the ecology, it's about the state of mind, in a personal & collective level as well. It's about the quality of the life. Now.


What have we reduced the opportunity to,

which means human existence, life?

We have become robots and servers

of our own brain creatures.


The greatest task is to see this and be refreshed, to open the horizon, the mind and the heart. For the wide, colorful quality, which is perfect.


Where did freedom, happiness and freshness go?

It has been struggling in the web of rationality since the Enlightenment, humanity is in love with quantity, forgetting quality.

This causes collective ill will

and leads to an ecological disaster.


Few people understand

what it is about.

What does the desire and plan

for a new quality of life mean.


BUSINESS' and implementation MODEL: 

this is a joint-stock company by invitation, where the members are active participants and physical owners of their own living space.


1.) No border betweein city and nature. Superconnected with the perfect nature.

In a perfect natural atmosphere.


2.) Hyper creative peoples:

artists, philosphers, holly peoples from different religions, sociologysts, arhitects... etc, 

Hyper independent creatives.


New urban life = super green & hyper creaive. Reconnect, reshape, recharge, embody a new level of being. This is a task of a new city.

No border betweein city and nature.

Reconnect with the nature. Rebuild the natural non duality with the nature and the palnts.


I am sure that a new and sustainable life does not depend on technological features and developments, but on qualities, a new state of mind, a completely fresh and new approach.

Plants and nature are the starting point.

We have to create an urban space, a super supportive atmosphere for the miracle to happen, to be able to happen, for people to be able to surpass themselves.


There is currently no alternative.

Or just very partisan, outsider, extreme.
Make the outsider, the extreme > to mainstream!
The new normal is the extreme.
The old normal must be extreme.
Hack the world!





We are a simbiota of the plants. Thay give us the life and everiting if we understand tham. = Nature helps us to our natural state of consciousness. We need a Life 3.0 new city modell, new life & style, in the higher level of beeing a human. In flow in a natural and superinspired state of mind in a powerful atmosphere. The plant are the missing link.


Look around, what's around you!

Total disconnect with nature.

Humanity must remodel its life.

His tools are Nature and Art.

The shape of the change is a modell city.


To live in the forest. The forest does not surround the city, but the city is in the forest. But now very dual. The forest should be the same as the city. In it, people take on the natural quality of nature. They will be happy and creative. 


The state of mind depends on the relationship with the nature.

Bali & Buddha.

Collective consciousness works.
The quality of a group or city is suitable for a quality life if its individuals are aware of their natural and real state.
This can even be done by artificial selection, so that a model city can function, for the sake of the future.


This is not just an architectural gesture or an aspect of environmental protection, it is a quality of life, a state of mind that looks towards the perfect.

life as an art(work).

city is an artwork.



The 4 intended locales include

New York City

"the west"

- Business sphere

Natural sphere:

rooftop of the UN headquarters


Japan - Nepal

"the east"


- Sacral Sphere


Képernyőfotó 2024-04-21 - 8.39.17.png

Nature sphere:   

Ise Grand shrine - Jingū

Human sphere:

inside the building of Sotheby's NYC

Képernyőfotó 2024-04-21 - 8.43_edited.png

Human sphere:




- Nature sphere


Nature sphere:


rain forest

Human sphere:

waorani tribe


Art sphere


Nature sphere:

Rhone Glacier

Human sphere:

Art Basel

Képernyőfotó 2024-04-26 - 8.17.57.png
Képernyőfotó 2024-04-26 - 7.23.50.png

urban =

"He has a cultured demeanor befitting an educated urban man; mannered <person>


"Urban comes from the Latin "urbanus" which is the adjective for "urbs". The derived meaning of urbanus is "civilized", "polished", "refined".

sahara 5.jpg
new y 2.jpg
ganges uj2.jpg
north pole uj inuit 3.jpg
Képernyőfotó 2024-04-26 - 8.20.29.png
Képernyőfotó 2024-04-26 - 8.24.07.png
Képernyőfotó 2024-04-26 - 7.23.11.png

4. > Collecting of the artworks

A half year / year later, after gathering the artworks in one place and adding the documentation to them, an interesting, new and unique constellation will be the result.

5. > The artworks and the documentation will together, as a collection, be the exhibits of a traveling exhibition, firstly presented at 4 exhibition venues. This traveling exhibition will tell stories about the world, people, cultures, and nature...

+ Documentation:

Documentation will include the process of painting, and each important event in relation to the artworks, such as their placement, changes over the half-year period, the process of
collecting, and reactions given to the art pieces. A film will be made about the whole creative process.


> Installation:

The photos, videos and audio materials will be a very important part of the opus, i.e., the
installation to be exhibited in museums as a collection comprising the turquoise-colored artworks.

Duble exhibition > Combined effect 

Channels > Relationships > Reactions


1. > The effects of the artworks displayed around the world:

The turquoise-colored artworks displayed at different venues will establish links between each other, people, cultures and climatic conditions; between man and nature, man and the future.

The recipients of the artworks will not know at first glance what these artworks are for. However, they will formulate an opinion on them. Later, they will change their opinion after learning the artist's intentions with the installation and the other pieces displayed worldwide. The art objects will not change, but relations will.

Recipients will look at the art objects from a different perspective, and the internal vision of their own current and absolute stance will also change.


2. > The effects of museum exhibitions and the collection:

The recipients will not know at first glance how the art pieces exhibited as a collection in a museum have been produced. However, they will formulate an opinion on them. Later, they will change their opinion after learning from the documentation how and where the art pieces have been produced. A new relation will thus be established between the antecedent exhibition and the museum exhibition. The art objects will not change, but the
relation between the recipient and the artwork will.
Recipients will take a different view of the former place where the art objects have been presented and the museum as a medium, and, at the same time, the internal vision of their own current and absolute stance will also change.

The information received changes the relationship with the works. This throws the receiver into an unexpected place, from where he can examine what happened, the nature of the change, his own position in this process that is life.

the changed state of consciousness compared to the first glimpse is the point.
“something” happanad.
< But what? >



Quietly & Gently

ALLisART claims nothing, just stimulates thinking and strengthens intuition. It's neutral. Through that creative method, I will back out of the creative process as much as possible. I will just hold up a mirror to reality, show the potential and arrange the conditions. I will put the bits of reality together.


Art is an instrument

Because change has to be achieved in people's minds and hearts.  ALLisART is an art project with the aim of opening people’s eyes, minds and hearts. < This is the mission of contemporary art and ALLisART. This is our duty today.


"Tolking to
each other"

secounder campaigns:

"The SHARE" campaign

> Take a selfie with a turquoise art piece.

> Share the message of ALLisART and your own message.

Be part of the change. You are the change! Now."

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"Live Stream Video" campaign

Live stream videos will document the most important events - starting/placing events, closing/collecting again' events - at exhibition spots. Recipients will see each other, and we will see them.

"Different cultures in same situation... We are all in contact with each other. There is no place to hide from the change."

"Opinion formers make change"​campaign

An emblematic opinion former (an artist or a celebrity) whom I have previously consulted, will add an additional layer of interpretation to the live stream events of the placing and collecting of art pieces by leaving whatever message (s)he wants on the artwork.

It's a "GREEN thing"

>>> NOW


ALLisART also draws attention to the importance of maintaining natural diversity.

>>> ALLisART thus puts things into perspective and entrenches the importance of environmental protection and sustainable living in the public mind.


>>> NOW




> teaches us the value of cultures and cultural self-identification;


> draws attention to the significance of maintaining cultural diversity by unobtrusively pointing to many different points of view; and

> attention to the key to the future, i.e., the peaceful coexistence of cultures, people and everything in the world.

It's an "ART thing"

>>> NOW


What are different cultures going to do with identical art pieces and with each other? 
It is bound to be interesting.

We will see.



ALLisART is a

complex art project. >>>

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